To help us get acquainted, three quick questions: 1) Do you want to optimize your company’s vision, strategy, and productivity? 2) Would you like to maximize your time, talent, and teamwork? 3) Are you passionate about leadership, growth, and prosperity?
Hopefully, your answers are all yes.
If they’re not, best of luck to you.
If they are, let’s see if we can help.
At Straticos, we empower leadership teams to effectively envision, run, scale, and (when ready) exit great companies.
We do this through:
1) Business Operating Systems
Using the BOS-UP programs, we help leadership teams effectively learn, implement, and benefit from a simple but comprehensive, custom-tailored business operating system (BOS), powered by Ninety. Your customized BOS will equip your company with the essential concepts, tools, and disciplines it takes to have a focused, aligned, and thriving organization.
2) Business + Executive Coaching
Our consultative, empathy-based approach to personal and professional development, is geared to generate insights, action, and results. We specialize at improving company and individual performance, by helping you identify, learn, and leverage new skills, strategies, disciplines - with an emphasis on great leadership, management, teamwork & healthy accountability.
Now, what's your situation?
If you’re like most companies, you're looking to grow from good to great (or stay great) with care and confidence, and can utilize and leverage a customized business operating system, along with trusted and experienced business and executive coaching, to help you:
+ clarify and achieve your goals/plans
+ minimize challenges and frustrations
+ maximize output, income and impact
If you are genuinely committed to optimizing your performance in business, work, and life ... and as important, be the best leaders and leadership team that your company, families, and community deserves ... then let's see if we’re a great fit, for working together.
Our customized solution is ideal for the leadership teams (3-10 people) of companies with 15-250 employees, and $10M - $250M in revenues. The one year (approximately 10-to-13 months) engagement, consists of 2 Phases:
Phase 1: Learn, Develop & Implement (3 all-day sessions, with additional support: 9-12 weeks in duration)
Phase 2: Leverage, Validate & Enhance (4 all-day sessions, with additional support: 8-10 months in duration
Phase 1 consists of 3 all-day, hands-on, in-person workshop sessions, whereby you and your leadership team members will effectively learn, develop, implement, and start to benefit from your custom-tailored business operating system (BOS). At the same time, through a mix of business and executive coaching, you will also learn to actualize the essential concepts, tools, and disciplines it takes to optimize your performance in business, work & life.
At the conclusion of Phase 1, you and your leadership team will be equipped with the software platform, tools, plan, playbook, and knowledge that will help you guide, run, build, and grow a successful, resilient company.
Phase 2 includes meeting every 90 days for two one full-day Quarterly Planning & Development Sessions, along with meeting for a 2-day Annual Planning & Development Session. All of these sessions include a blend of business reviews, strategy consulting, skills development, and team building.
Combined, there will be a total of 7 all-day sessions, over a 10-to-13-month period. In addition to your sessions and as part of your solution/investment, we will also conduct quarterly, 90 minute 1-1 Executive Coaching Sessions, with each member of your Senior Leadership Team (SLT). We will also attend/coach 2-3 of your weekly SLT meetings, over the course of the first-year engagement. In addition to scheduled sessions, we are available on an as-needed basis.
For the record, all of our work is 100% guaranteed: If you do not feel that you received value or have issues with anything, you don’t pay - and you can cancel your engagement at anytime.
* Please note that all business owner clients sign a mutual non-disclosure and confidentiality agreement, which is part of the Solution Overview & Services Agreement that you will receive if you choose to have a Fit Meeting.
Founded in 2016, Ninety is an innovative, venture-capital backed software company, with 200+ employees, 15,000+ customers, 300K+ users, in 50+ countries – with their flagship business operating system (BOS) platform, known as 90os. Organizations leverage Ninety – and their suite of tools, applications, and materials – to help them build, run, and scale great companies that will stand the test of time. Ninety is the central hub for organizations that want to smarter and more effectively together.
At BOS-UP, their passion and specialization is helping startups and small companies build, run, and scale successful and resilient organizations. They do so by providing the customizable programs, resources, and support that helps coaches and leadership teams learn, implement, and leverage the Ninety business operating system (BOS) - along with the 9 Core Competencies™ and the essential concepts, tools, and disciplines (CTDs) that it takes for effective leadership, management, teamwork, and healthy accountability.
Scott Abbott has 30+ years of experience and expertise with starting, operating, buying, and selling successful companies. Today, he works with open-minded, growth-oriented, forward-thinking owners and leadership teams - to help you collectively develop, grow, and prosper: in business, work & life.
YouTube video featuring Scott's TEDx Talk®, "Get Over Yourself: The Power of Personal Accountability Systems and Using Commitment Devices".
Elevate Your Success in Business, Work & Life: The Inspirational Blueprint for Helping Young Professionals, with Career-Life Skills.
"Moments to Momentum, with Scott Abbott" is a fun, informative and inspirational podcast - featuring impactful conversations.
The Exclusively-For-Everyone, Not-To-Be-Kept-Secret Ingredient For Helping Organizations Engage & Prosper.
Scott is an Executive Board Member on the Fast Company Executive Board, and contributes articles on optimizing performance in business and life.
Observations, commentary and musings on business, work and life. Audience participation encouraged. No tipping required. Gratuity optional.
Leverage the Impact from Journaling
Straticos helps you identify and leverage the challenges and opportunities, that most company's face. In partnership with BOS-UP & Ninety, we provide the coaching, software, and solutions to help you optimize your:
- Vision: compelling, values-based, focused and purpose-driven.
- Goals: effectively defined strategies, objectives and key results.
- Process: maximize work, time and alignment; optimize execution.
- Data: trust but verify, using leading key performance indicators.
- People: the right people, in the right seats, doing the right work.
- Profits: strong financial governance and cash flow; greater valuation.
Since 2010, Straticos has been helping leadership teams build, run, grow, and scale great companies - through a blend of coaching, software, and solutions. And we'd love to see how we can help you and your team, succeed.
This is a brief conversation between you and Scott - to conduct a mutually beneficial Q&A, and see if we're a good fit for each other. If so, on to step 2.
During this 90-minute meeting, we will get to know each other, and Scott will share and discuss with you the complete and entire Straticos solution.
From there, we encourage that you discern accordingly, and decide: Stick with your status quo and business as usual, or grow forward? Your call.
Straticos and Scott Abbott, are independent solution providers of teaching, coaching, advisory, facilitation, consulting, and support services - to help business owners and leadership teams build, run, grow, and exit great companies. Any and all 3rd party product names, logos, brands, trademarks, copyrights, or images featured and/or referred to by and/or within Scott Abbott/Straticos’ materials, websites, coaching, talks, sessions, presentations, workshops, work, and/or social media forums, are the exclusive property of their respective trademark owners/holders. And these trademark owners/holders claim no contractual affiliation with Scott Abbott/Straticos, nor do they promote, sponsor, or endorse Scott Abbott/Straticos or any of their opinion’s, products, services, or comments. Scott Abbott/Straticos is not a franchisee, is not affiliated with, connected with, endorsed by, authorized by, or sponsored by anyone and declares no formal and/or contractual affiliation, sponsorship, or partnerships with any entities or registered trademark owners/holders. Scott Abbott/Straticos is not a registered investment adviser (as defined in the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, 15 U.S.C. § 80B-1, et seq., and the rules and interpretations thereunder), and cannot transact business as a certified investment adviser. Furthermore, all parties agree to indemnify each other, from any real or perceived risks and/or liabilities that might arise from our work together, and we are not liable for any risk, harm, loss, or damages real or perceived, with regard to our work together. We also agree that the materials, discussions, and information provided between you and Scott Abbott/Straticos, will always be kept private and confidential, and we will not share, utilize, reproduce, or disclose to others the materials, discussions, assets, and/or information we share between each other, without each other’s mutual approval. To receive a hard copy signable agreement letter, email scott@straticos.com.